Wow...that was a long flight! We got up at 2:30am on Thursday morning and flew to Chicago, then took a 15 1/2 hour flight directly to Hong Kong. Amy is known for being able to sleep in the car at any time and flying is no different. Scott, on the other hand, was only able to squeeze in a full 2 hours of sleep. When we arrived in Hong Kong, it was 4:00pm in the afternoon (4:00am EST), and our CCAI guide recommended that we not go to sleep until 9:00pm. Well, we've made it to 8:40pm and we're spent. It was helpful that Hong Kong has the largest laser light show in the world over the harbor at 8:00pm...and it was spectacular.
Tomorrow we will tour the city and we will depart Sunday morning for Nanchang to get Caroline.
Glad you made it! Hope you get some sleep. I don't know if you will see this entry or not because I know that the Brannon's could not see theirs. If you can and you have yahoo instant messenger on your id is beccablueeyes74 and I am on most of the day so feel free to say hey!
Anonymous, at 8/18/2006 1:49 PM
We can see your message just fine. We just finished breakfast and are getting ready to leave for our tour of Hong Kong now--we'll post some pictures tonight.
Dixon Family, at 8/18/2006 7:32 PM
Scott, I know what you mean about not being able to sleep while riding on anything! Hey, they might need our help. Praying for you and your special journey and looking forward to hugging on you all when you get home. Love you, Miss Nan
Anonymous, at 8/18/2006 7:39 PM
Glad you arrived OK. We are now picking out the colors for your house. So far: Josh-red, Katie-pink, Nana-purple, Papa-orange. Your house will be the talk of Holly Springs. Everything is great here. Get a good night sleep and kiss Caroline for all of us tomorrow. We will keep you updated on the house painting.
Anonymous, at 8/19/2006 8:47 AM know I was just joking when I asked you to paint the house while we were gone! How about just mowing the lawn (Joshua likes helping out with that). We miss you all already!
Dixon Family, at 8/19/2006 9:46 AM
That's OK. You will love the house. Josh & Katie are excited.
Anonymous, at 8/19/2006 1:20 PM
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